Aurelia Bliss

8 stories

Aurelia Bliss

13 stories

Aurelia Bliss

4 stories

It’s hard to explain. There’s a weird bunny creature posing for an artist, but the artist seems to be drawing something else.
woman couch and phone — she looks sad — the phone looks fake — but it gives the idea that someone is not returning her calls. Most likely because the person is busy reading my substack (
Aurelia Bliss

8 stories

woman couch and phone — she looks sad — the phone looks fake — but it gives the idea that someone is not returning her calls. Most likely because the person is busy reading my substack (
Aurelia Bliss

41 stories

Aurelia Bliss

10 stories

Aurelia Bliss

5 stories

Aurelia Bliss

1 story

Aurelia Bliss

Aurelia Bliss

I write nonfiction, fiction, and sort-of-sort-of-not fiction. Whatever I'm writing at the moment is always me giving a peek. Top writer in Humor and History.